Customizing the Gateway

While the executable is good for getting started quickly, it isn't sufficient for most production usecases. Unfortunately, there is currently no story to plug in custom authentication logic or other extensions when running a gateway with the cli. If being able to run you're own gateway with the cli is something that interests you, please open in an issue! For now, these common situations require building your own executable.

The core object of the gateway is the Gateway struct exported by the module at A Gateway is constructed by providing a list of graphql.RemoteSchemas for each service to gateway.New. The easiest way to get a graphql.RemoteSchema is to introspect the remote schema using a utility from

package main

import (

func main() {
	// introspect the apis
	schemas, err := graphql.IntrospectRemoteSchemas(
	if err != nil {

	// create the gateway instance
	gw, err := gateway.New(schemas)
	if err != nil {

Configuring the Instance

You can also pass any number of gateway.Option to the constructor in order to configure the gateway internals.

gw, _ := gateway.New(schemas, gatway.WithMiddlewares(...), gateway.WithPlanner(...))

For a list of the available Options, see the documentation page.

Specifying HTTP Routes

An instance of Gateway provides 2 different handlers which are both instances of http.HandlerFunc:

  • gw.GraphQLHandler responds to both GET and POST requests as described in the spec.
  • gw.PlaygroundHandler responds to GET requests with a web-based IDE for easy exploration and interprets POSTs as queries to process.
package main

import (

	// ... including the ones above

func main() {
	// ... including up above

	// add the playground endpoint to the router
	http.HandleFunc("/graphql", gw.PlaygroundHandler)

	// start the server
	fmt.Println("Starting server")
	err = http.ListenAndServe(":3001", nil)
	if err != nil {